Efrat Nechushtai. “Journalism wants to be your friend, not your teacher.”
Nieman Lab, December 18, 2018.
Seth C. Lewis and Efrat Nechushtai. “Google News serves conservatives and liberals similar results, but favors mainstream media.” The Conversation,
August 31, 2018. (The article was featured in multiple publications, including
The Associated Press, Chicago Tribune and The Oregonian, and included in the
“Fact Check” section of Google News)
Andrea Wenzel, Sam Ford, Steve Bynum, and Efrat Nechushtai. “Can Report for America build trust in local news? A view from two communities.” Columbia Journalism Review, May 6, 2019. (The article generated a public response from Report for America, engaging with our conclusions and pointing the merits of the study)
“‘Is he a local boy?’ Is Report for America building trust within the communities it serves?” Nieman Lab, May 6, 2019.
“Why Google is the perfect target for Trump.” Wired. August 28, 2018.
“Does your Google News change based on whether you’re conservative or liberal?” Nieman Lab, August 17, 2018.
“Beyond Alex Jones: Twitter and Facebook face heat over alleged bias.” The Christian Science Monitor, September 7, 2018.
Efrat Nechushtai. “Journalism wants to be your friend, not your teacher.”
Nieman Lab, December 18, 2018.
Seth C. Lewis and Efrat Nechushtai. “Google News serves conservatives and liberals similar results, but favors mainstream media.” The Conversation,
August 31, 2018. (The article was featured in multiple publications, including
The Associated Press, Chicago Tribune and The Oregonian, and included in the
“Fact Check” section of Google News)
Andrea Wenzel, Sam Ford, Steve Bynum, and Efrat Nechushtai. “Can Report for America build trust in local news? A view from two communities.” Columbia Journalism Review, May 6, 2019. (The article generated a public response from Report for America, engaging with our conclusions and pointing the merits of the study)
“‘Is he a local boy?’ Is Report for America building trust within the communities it serves?” Nieman Lab, May 6, 2019.
“Why Google is the perfect target for Trump.” Wired. August 28, 2018.
“Does your Google News change based on whether you’re conservative or liberal?” Nieman Lab, August 17, 2018.
“Beyond Alex Jones: Twitter and Facebook face heat over alleged bias.” The Christian Science Monitor, September 7, 2018.

Hello and welcome! My name is Efrat Nechushtai and I'm an assistant professor in the School of Media and Public Affairs at George Washington University. I'm also a Knight News Innovation Fellow at the Tow Center for Digital Journalism. I received my Ph.D. in Communications from Columbia University in 2020. Previously, I was an Andrew Wellington Cordier Teaching Fellow in the Columbia School of International and Public Affairs.
My work explores the impact of platformization and political polarization on journalism in the United States and internationally.
I have published qualitative, quantitative, and theoretical studies on these topics in Journalism, The International Journal of Press/Politics, Computers in Human Behavior, Journalism Studies, and Information & Culture.
My scholarship received the 2021 Top Faculty Paper award from the International Communication Association (Journalism Studies division), the 2022 Smithsonian’s National Postal Museum Award for Scholarship in Postal History, and the 2022 Top Paper Abstract Award (Midwinter conference) from the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (Political Communication division).
My research and teaching are informed by my professional experience as a journalist. I find that experience invaluable as I study the challenges journalists are facing and instruct students on how to meet them.
You can find my Google Scholar page here. I tweet under @EfratNechushtai. Feel free to contact me here.